Monday, August 20, 2012

Let's enjoy the show!

         Hi there, Fellas! How are you guys doing? It was a tough week for us, wasn't it? All the midterm tests, projects, and night study, have put a lot of stress on us. That's why this time I'll bring you joy by adding some colors, music, and romance (as usual) to this week post. Be prepare to enjoy the show, because this time it will be fabulous because it is....wait for it.............MUSICAL!!!!

         When you see the title of this film, you might be familiar with it because this film is very famous and it is consider to be a greatest musical of all time. Also it has won many awards. That's right you guys, it's "Singin' in the Rain".

       Singin' in the Rain (1952) is a film by Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly. This film known as Donen's most famous work and it has included many famous stars like Gene Kelly (yes, he also starred in it too), Donald O'connor, and Debbie Raynolds. The story of this film begins with two silent-film stars Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and Lina Lamont, which are a romantic lovers on screen. However, that love doesn't happen in their real life, except for Lina who thinks that they are in love with each other. One day, Don runs into Kathy Selden (Debbie Raynolds) by accident and later they meet again in the Studio's party which turns out that Kathy is a chorus girl . Don and Kathy start to fall in love with each other as they met each time.
         When the studio announces the news about the big change in film history, everyone are so exciting. Their silent-film will now be a talking picture. The studio plans to change Don and Lina most successful film into a talking version, but the process needs to stop in the middle because Lina's voice is so terrible. So, Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Connor) a friend of Don has an idea of dubbing Lina's voice with Kathy's, which is really beautiful. Lina wants to claim that Kathy's voice will always be her dub voice in order to destroy Kathy's opportunity in film business and the romance with Don, so she hires the lawyer to sue them, unless Kathy's works is cancel. In the premiere night of the film, Don reveal to everybody that it's Kathy who sings those beautiful songs not Lina. In the end Don and Kathy live happily with each other and Kathy becomes a famous star too.

           This film is not only famous for the story but also its soundtracks. There are many songs that I love in this movie including its most famous song, "Singin' in the Rain". This song was performed by Gene Kelly in the scene that Don feels so happy to be loved by Kathy that even rain doesn't bothers him.

           Another song that I like is "Would you", this song was performed by Debbie Reynolds in the scene that she sings for Lina's voice. In this scene, you will find the huge difference between Kathy's and Lina's voice. There's something about Debbie's voice that made me feel so good when I listen to it, so here it is, Would you.

           The third songs that I choose is in one of my favourite scene which is when Don and Kathy met again in the party. In this scene the way that Don looked at Kathy gets me every time <3<3. If I were her in that scene, I think I might have fainted.

              There are other great songs in this film that I want to show you like Make 'em Laugh, Good Morning, and Beautiful Girl, but if I do that I think this post will be too long. So, if you want to listen to other songs in this film, you can find it on Youtube. In the other hand, I highly recommend you to see the whole film and you will be in love with this magnificent musical film. Au Revoir.

By the way, I LOVE GENE KELLY!!


  1. Old songs are a lot better than these days songs...poor Beliebers...

  2. "Singin' in the Rain" REALLY make me smile. The actor is so adorable. Your blog today make me dreamy!

    1. It's kinda makes your heart warm, isn't it? Glad you like it :)

    2. These songs are always my favorite.
